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winapi – Windows XP与Vista的SetThreadUILanguage?

发布时间:2020-09-18 22:44:12 所属栏目:Windows 来源:互联网
导读:docs for SetThreadUILanguage表示: Windows XP: The application can only set this parameter to 0. This setting causes the function to select the language that best supports the console display. For more i

docs for SetThreadUILanguage表示:

Windows XP: The application can only set this parameter to 0. This
setting causes the function to select the language that best supports
the console display. For more information,see the Remarks section.


(…) Windows XP does not support a concept of thread user interface
language separate from thread locale. Therefore,this function changes
the thread locale on Windows XP. (…)

事实上这似乎就是发生了什么,也就是说,在Windows XP上调用SetThreadUILanguage似乎相当于调用SetThreadLocale,而在Vista上它似乎与调用SetThreadPreferredUILanguages基本相同(在XP上根本不可用) ).

文档对我来说很明显,所以我的基本问题可能是:我是否应该在Windows XP上调用SetThreadUILanguage来更改(首选)UI语言并在某处正确记录,在Windows 7上,我应该调用这个功能,或者我应该调用SetThreadPreferredUILanguages?


1 SetThreadLocale几乎没用.我真的不确定它到底做了什么. MSDN page here首先声明:

SetThreadLocale affects the selection of resources with a LANGUAGE
statement. The statement affects such functions as CreateDialog,
DialogBox,LoadMenu,LoadString,and FindResource. It sets the code
page implied by CP_THREAD_ACP,but does not affect FindResourceEx.


Windows Vista and later: Do not use SetThreadLocale to select a user
interface language.


2 SetThreadUILanguage仅适用于Vista及更高版本的操作系统.在XP上它几乎没有什么,所以除非你想错过仍然坚持使用XP的大量用户,否则这个API现在也没用. (它似乎在Vista和后来的操作系统上完成了所有工作.)

3 SetThreadPreferredUILanguages仅适用于Vista和更高版本的操作系统,所以我们回到缺乏XP支持.根据我的理解,如果你在资源中包含一堆语言,请说出这三种语言:美国英语,法语,德语.当资源加载器加载它时,例如,在瑞士,一个愚蠢的微软加载器将默认选择美国英语.所以这个API告诉它使用什么语言. (我知道,完全多余,但是,嘿,记住,我们正在与微软打交道.)




