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__del__上的Python attributeError

发布时间:2021-01-11 23:06:26 所属栏目:Python 来源:互联网
导读:我有一个 python类对象,我想分配一个类变量的值 class Groupclass(Workerclass): worker class count = 0 def __init__(self): initialize time Groupclass.count += 1 self.memberc

我有一个 python类对象,我想分配一个类变量的值

class Groupclass(Workerclass):
    """worker class"""
    count = 0

    def __init__(self):
        """initialize time"""
        Groupclass.count += 1
        self.membercount = 0;
        self.members = []

    def __del__(self):
        """delte a worker data"""
        Groupclass.count -= 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    group1 = Groupclass()


Exception AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'count'" in <bound method Groupclass.__del__ of <__main__.Groupclass instance at 0x00BA6710>> ignored






def __del__(self):
    if Groupclass:
        Groupclass.count -= 1


def __del__(self):
    type(self).count -= 1



Warning: Due to the precarious circumstances under which __del__() methods are invoked,exceptions that occur during their execution are ignored,and a warning is printed to sys.stderr instead. Also,when __del__() is invoked in response to a module being deleted (e.g.,when execution of the program is done),other globals referenced by the __del__() method may already have been deleted or in the process of being torn down (e.g. the import machinery shutting down). For this reason,__del__() methods should do the absolute minimum needed to maintain external invariants. Starting with version 1.5,Python guarantees that globals whose name begins with a single underscore are deleted from their module before other globals are deleted; if no other references to such globals exist,this may help in assuring that imported modules are still available at the time when the __del__() method is called.

如果您使用Python 3,则需要另外两个注意事项:

> CPython 3.3自动将randomized hash salt应用于全局词典中使用的str键;这也会影响全局变量的清除顺序,也可能只在一些运行中看到问题.
>根据Safe Object Finalization,CPython 3.4不再将全局变量设置为None(大多数情况下)见PEP 442.


